COM-FSM > [DRAFT] Emergency Management and Disaster Preparedness Plan > Appendix C: Fire

Appendix C: Fire

Page last modified 16:11, 10 Apr 2012 by Shaun_Suliol
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    Appendix C. In event of FIRE

    (an example of one of a number such appendices needed)

    Fire Within a Building

    If a fire is detected within a building, the following procedures will be followed:

    1. Evacuate the building.

    2. Call campus security.

    3. Call the fire department.

    4. Do not re-enter the building.

    5. Stay upwind of the fire/smoke and remain at a safe distance from the fire

    and firefighting equipment. Render first aid as may be required.

    1. Security personnel will keep access roads open for emergency vehicles and

    direct fire fighters to location of fire.

    Fire Near a Building

    If a fire is detected near a building, the following procedures will be followed:

    1. Call campus security.

    2. If the nearby fire

    poses an immediate threat to students, faculty, and staff or the building,

    evacuate the building.

    1. If the fire is not an immediate threat, then the plan executive will evaluate the situation and determine the need to

    evacuate the building or area. The fire department may be called

    depending on the nature of the fire.

    1. The plan executive will direct further action as required.

    Buildings Assembly Areas

    A (Classroom) Parking Lot (Main.)

    B (Classroom) Parking Lot (Main.)

    C (Cafeteria) Parking Lot (Main.)

    D (Men's Dormitory) Gymnasium

    E (Women's Dormitory) Gymnasium

    F (Faculty office) Parking Lot (Main.)

    F2 (Faculty office) South parking Lot

    G (Administration) Parking Lot (Main.)

    H (Library) Parking Lot (Main.)



    K (Bookstore) Parking Lot (Main.)

    M (Gymnasium) Parking lot at Gymnasium

    N (Maintenance) Maintenance Parking lot

    Agriculture building Gymnasium

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