COM-FSM > Committees > Planning and Resources Committee > Parking Plan

Parking Plan

Page last modified 12:56, 22 Feb 2012 by Christopher_Perkins

Below is the parking plan for the upcoming solar project.  Joe Habuchmai has asked our committeee to review the plan and suggest comments and/or ideas.  A copy of the paln is below, please make comments iin the comment box below.






The college will be faced with limited parking space beginning next month until the beginning of Fall Semester.   JICA or the Japanese Government funded the installation of the new Solar Panels for the Solar Electrification Project to be situated in the front parking lot.   The college was chosen by the FSM National Government to avail a space for the solar project because it will serve as a pilot for alternative renewable energy initiatives for the nation.    Pohnpei Public Utility Corporation, FSM National Government , and COM-FSM entered into a Memorandum of Agreement to carry out the pilot project on our campus. 


 The main objective of this project is to provide alternative solar energy to supplement the local power provider to avail sufficient power to all.   The college negotiated a deal from this project to provide capabilities for us to connect one of our buildings on campus to it.   Additionally, the college will have a covered parking lot for our vehicles.   The project will serve as a renewable energy model for students and instructors to emulate as they discuss the topic in class.


Now, the actual construction of the project will begin next month March 2012.   The initial phase of the construction will be to fence off the front parking lot.   The front main parking lot is capable to accommodate up to 79 vehicles.    It means that we need to relocate the 79 vehicles to park elsewhere on campus.    


Currently, the college is capable to accommodate up to 279 vehicles at one time throughout the day.    Here is the breakdown:


1.        Faculty Building Parking area…………………………………………….52 vehicles

2.       Front main Parking…………………………………………………………….79 vehicles

3.       Cafeteria Parking………………………………………………………………..7 vehicles

4.       China/FSM Friendship Gym Parking……………………………….129 vehicles

5.       Agriculture Classroom………………………………………………………..9 vehicles


The facilities committee discussed this matter in their last meeting and recommended that we do not assign parking space for students, staff, and faculty except for the President.  President Parking will be at the end of the administration building only for the duration of the project construction.  FC recommended that parking will be on a first come basis. 


Attached,  please find a map of the National Campus with the designated parking areas for your information.  

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