Section 1-3,13

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    I. Technology Advisory Committee

    A. Charge of the Committee

    Technology Advisory Committee (TAC) for COM-FSM exists and is charged with preparing policy, providing advice to the President, and operating in the area of technology (larger than just computers). In matters of technology, the Technical Advisory Committee must be consulted and allowed to provide advice to the President regardless of whether other committees might also be involved.

    The Technical Advisory Committee has major input into any decision regarding technology purchases, use and repair of technology equipment, and training in technology areas.

    TAC carries the following primary responsibilities:

    B. Policy development for:

    1. Operation of computers purchases relative to technology obsolescence and accompanying technology fee
    2. Developing a plan for technology throughout the COM-FSM system
    3. Planning and implementing training programs for the staff and students to encourage full usage of new technology
    4. Supporting the maintenance of the equipment
    5. Coordinating procurement of needed supplies
    6. Steering College purchasers away from vendors who have proven unreliable in the past
    7. Performing other related task as may arise from time to time

    C. Composition of the Technology Advisory Committee

    The Technology Advisory Committee is to be composed of the following members:

    1. Vice President for Instructional and Academic Affairs
    2. Director of Information Technology, acting as chair
    3. Director of Research and Planning

    classified staff
    learning resource center
    IT Department
    academic business division
    state campuses.

    II. Intellectual Property

    A. Definition

    Within the framework of this Technology Policy, intellectual property includes:

    1. Computer software purchased or acquired for use by COM-FSM
    2. Written works in any form that are accessed or manipulated using technolgy-based tools including but not limited to reports or publications and web pages
    3. Other content including but not limited to digital images (original, scanned or digitized reproductions) audio, and video.

    B. Application

    Materials available on the Web or in other electronic formats are considered intellectual property and are protected by international copyright law unless a disclaimer or waiver expressly states otherwise. You may not copy or redistribute any materials owned by others, i.e. copyrighted works, without the expressed permission of the copyright owner, except under provision of fair academic use.

    III. Computer Software

    A. Definition

    Computer software ("Software") is defined as the instructions executed by a computer, as opposed to the physical device on which they run. Software includes but is not limited to operating systems (e.g. Microsoft Windows, Linux, MacOS), applications (e.g. Word, Excel, WebMail), and application source code.

    B. Availability

    All software installed on computers owned by the College of Micronesia-FSM must be vetted through the Technical Advisory Committee.

    C. Licensing and Installation

    No software may be installed, copied, or used on College resources except as permitted by the terms of the license provided by the publisher of the software. Software subject to licensing must be properly licensed and all license provisions (installation, use, copying, number of concurrent users, etc.) must be strictly adhered to.

    Software available for use on computers at the College of Micronesia-FSM is protected by international copyright laws. Educational institutions are not exempt from the laws covering copyrights. The College will not engage in the illegal duplication of software. All original disks or license certificates are available for copyright and licensing verification.

    All software provided by the College of Micronesia-FSM will be properly purchased, including site licenses as applicable. Illegal copies of software may not be used on the College's computers. Failure to comply with the usage restrictions contained in a software license or other agreement can result in personal liability and may result in disciplinary action.

    D. Copyright

    Software is protected by license agreement between the purchaser and the software author or owner. All software provided by the College for use by faculty, staff, and students must be used in strict compliance with the license or other agreement that specifies terms and conditions of its use.

    The College of Micronesia-FSM has the responsibility to uphold all copyrights, laws governing access and use of information, and rules of organizations supplying information resources to members of the community (e.g., acceptable use policies for use of Internet).

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