Section G-H

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    G. Communications & Distribution of Information


    Agenda items may be submitted to the chairperson by other members, other committees, or the President   administration.  The chairperson compiles the agenda and forwards it to committee members prior to meetings. 


    All meetings are to have minutes which are to be distributed electronically within three working days of the meeting to members for their review.  Members are to comment within the next three working days.  The minutes are officially adopted at the next meeting.  The Information Technology office then distributes the official minutes to all committee members and to the appropiate bodies and to the President.  The Information Technology office maintains a file on official Information Communications Technology Committee minutes.


    Following each meeting, the chairperson informs all concerned of decisions or forwards recommendations from the committee to the President through the chairperson of the Planning and Resources Committee The chairperson also updates the members of the action taken on the committee’s recommendations.


    Committee members convey concerns and input on current issues from their respective areas to the committee.  They also discuss the issues being addressed by the committee and share committee minutes with the community they represent.



    H. Representation by Proxy


    The college is actively working to improve its technical capacity to allow remote participation of members of the committee.  Until that is achieved, remote members of the committee may select a proxy to act in their stead.  Proxies must be regular employees of the college and reside on the island where the meeting is held.  Committee members may not serve as a proxy.


    Responsibilities of proxies are to:


    ·      Attend committee meetings and perform the functions of a member in his/her absence;

    ·      Communicate regularly with the committee member to clarify the member’s view on issues and provide post-meeting feedback; and

    ·      Vote on behalf the member.


    When a proxy misses three meetings, the chairperson informs the committee member.  A new proxy may be selected.  When the committee member is able to attend a meeting, the member attends and keeps the proxy advised of the activities at that meeting (reversing the roles).

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