Lesson 16: Final for AR101Table of contentsNo headersClass# 16: Final for AR101 July 16 - 17 Materials needed: ?Bienfang Water Color Bad (11 x 15)?Drawing pencils?Eraser?Colored Pencils?Pencil Sharpener Instead of giving you a written final for this AR101 course, you will be doing a drawing for your final. Your final will be a still life drawing that you will need to make, draw and upload before the last day of class. Here are some examples of what still life drawings should look like: http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs7/i/2005/189/f/7/Still_life_Drawing_III__by_nimra.jpg http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1019/1260146978_b5faedfcb2_o.gif http://www.jacklantz.com/Fish%20drawing.jpg http://alethakuschan.files.wordpress.com/2010/02/drawing-clementines-on-a-plate-pencil-feb-25.jpg Here is your final assignment: 1. Spend 15-20 minutes making a still life. This means collecting several things like cups, dishes, fruit, cans and anything else you have and putting them all close together. Your still life must include not less than 5 different objects! 2. Next, bring out your watercolor paper, drawing pencil, eraser and ruler. 3. Decide where you will sit to draw your still life 4. Decide on your composition inside the still life (what part of it are you going to draw?) 5. Start drawing, paying close attention to composition, negative space, basic shapes, kinds of lines and the direction of the light. This drawing should show everything that you have learned in the AR101 class. You should spend between two to three hours on this drawing. If you get the whole drawing done you can begin to add color, either with your colored pencils or with your watercolor paint. Your final grade on this project will depend upon how much you can demonstrate what you have learned during the course of the class, your craftsmanship and your attention to instructions. After you have completed your still life drawing, scan your work and upload it onto your Flickr page. In the Flickr “Description” panel be sure to include what assignment this is. All drawings should be uploaded to your Flickr page by July 17. Any work that has not been uploaded by the evening of July 17, will not be accepted. This concludes the final class for AR101. If you have any questions regarding the material or assignment please email your instructor at art101@comfsm.fm |