Section C-D

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    C.                Membership


    The members of the Information Communications Technology Committee are:


    ·      Director, Information Technology

    ·      Director,  Research and Planning

    ·      Director, Vocational, Community and Continuing Education

    ·      Director, Development and Community Relations

    ·      Director, Learning Resources Center or designee

    ·      Director, Maintenance and Security or designee

    ·      Campus Director or designee (5)

    ·      Admissions and Records representative

    ·      Cooperative Research and Extension representative

    ·      Senior Information Technology staff member

    ·      Faculty/Staff Senate representative (2)

    ·      Student Body Association representative

    At the beginning of the academic year, the Faculty/Staff Senate recommends ­­the two Senate representatives; the Student Body Association the one student representative; Campus Directors the campus representative; and the division/office heads their representative.  The President then appoints the representative members based on the recommendations.

    A staff from the Information Technology office serves as the committee secretary.

    Responsibilities of committee members are to:

    ·         Regularly prepare for and attend committee meetings;

    ·         Actively participate in meetings; and

    ·         Share information on committee discussions, recommendations and decisions with and gather input from their area of representation.

    D.                 Organization



    Vice Chair


    The Director of Information Technology chairs the Information Communications Technology Committee.  The chairperson’s responsibilities are to:

    ·         Preside over meetings;

    ·         Ensure the terms of reference for the committee are met and matters brought before the committee are judiciously addressed;

    ·         Prepare and distribute the agenda prior to each meeting; and

    ·         Ensure committee minutes, reports, and recommendations are completed and appropriately disseminated in a timely manner.

    A vice chairperson is elected at the beginning of the academic year. The responsibilities of the vice chairperson are to:

    ·         Preside over meetings in the absence of the chair; and

    ·         Assist the chairperson with the above responsibilities.

    The responsibilities of the secretary are to:

    ·         Take and prepare accurate minutes;

    ·         Distribute and post the minutes in a timely manner; and

    ·         Record attendance of committee members.

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