Account Balance

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    Report of accounts with debit or credit balances

    Summary Report showing account balance due for specific campus and/or total due
    Maintainer Business Office
    Source Accounts


    Term (optional) - Restricts considered account entries to those from a specific term. Prior term balances are not included.

    Campus (optional) - If specified, the report will show a balance for entries matching the specified campus, a balance of entries from other campuses, and a net balance.

    Show credit balances (default No) - Show accounts with a specified minimum credit balance; The minimum (default 0.01) is inclusive and should be a positive number.

    Show debit balances (default No) - Show accounts with a specified minimum debit balance; The minimum (default 0.01) is inclusive and should be a positive number.

    Effective Dates (Starting and Ending) (optional, default is current date for Ending and none for Starting) - Only account entries with an effective date on or after a specified Starting date, and on or before the specified Ending date will be consided when determining account balances.

    Format as CSV (Excel) (default No) - Produce Excel-compatible comma-separated output instead of the default PDF format.


    At least one of Show credit balances or Show debit balances must be checked or no accounts will match and the report will contain no data.

    When a campus is specified, balances appear in three columns; Campus (account entries recorded with the specified campus), Other (all other account entries), and Net Balance.

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