Section C-D

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    C.                Membership


    The members of the Information Communications Technology Committee are:


    ·      Director, Information Technology

    ·      Director,  Research and Planning

    ·      Director, Vocational, Community and Continuing Education

    ·      Director, Development and Community Relations

    ·      Director, Learning Resources Center or designee

    ·      Director, Maintenance and Security or designee

    ·      Campus Director or designee (5)

    ·      Admissions and Records representative

    ·      Cooperative Research and Extension representative

    ·      Senior Information Technology staff member

    ·      Faculty/Staff Senate representative (2)

    ·      Student Body Association representative

    At the beginning of the academic year, the Faculty/Staff Senate recommends ­­the two Senate representatives; the Student Body Association the one student representative; Campus Directors the campus representative; and the division/office heads their representative.  The President then appoints the representative members based on the recommendations.

    A staff from the Information Technology office serves as the committee secretary.

    Responsibilities of committee members are to:

    ·         Regularly prepare for and attend committee meetings;

    ·         Actively participate in meetings; and

    ·         Share information on committee discussions, recommendations and decisions with and gather input from their area of representation. - MOVE TO responsiblities.


    D.                 Organization



    Vice Chair


    The Director of Information Technology chairs the Information Communications Technology Committee.  The chairperson’s responsibilities are to:

    ·         Preside over meetings;

    ·         Ensure the terms of reference for the committee are met and matters brought before the committee are judiciously addressed;

    ·         Prepare and distribute the agenda prior to each meeting; and

    ·         Ensure committee minutes, reports, and recommendations are completed and appropriately disseminated in a timely manner.

    A vice chairperson is elected at the beginning of the academic year. The responsibilities of the vice chairperson are to:

    ·         Preside over meetings in the absence of the chair; and

    ·         Assist the chairperson with the above responsibilities.

    The responsibilities of the secretary are to:

    ·         Take and prepare accurate minutes;

    ·         Distribute and post the minutes in a timely manner; and

    ·         Record attendance of committee members.

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