Lesson 08: Face Drawing/Midterm

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    Class# 8:  Face Drawing/Midterm          March 3 - 7                

    Materials needed: ?Strathmore Sketchbook Pad (9 x 12)?Drawing pencils?Eraser

    Along with the human figure, the human face has long been an important subject in art.  The first portraits were made beginning in the Paleolithic-Neolithic periods.  One example of an early portrait was the Venus of Wellendorf that we looked at in a previous class.?? like the Venus of Wilendorf and cave paintings from the same time period are believed to have been important in the mythology of the tribes of the Paleolithic period.  Although they could be considered the first portraits, they were looked at very differently than portraits are today.??In most ancient cultures, the only human figures depicted in art were heavenly bodies, entities to be worshipped and revered. It was in Egypt, where living pharaohs were given god-like status that historic portraiture began.  Images of deities and pharaohs were painted and carved in places of spiritual importance, such as temples, tombs, and palaces.?? Medieval period in the western world was a time of religious fervor and as a consequence many of the portraits done during this time were religious or mythical in nature. ?Here is one example from Europe:??

    In medieval Europe, portrait painting was done with egg tempera, an early medium of painting made by mixing egg and powdered pigment, the effect of which were colorful works of art, with contrasts of light and depth which had not been possible in classical painting.  Centuries later a Dutchman named Jan Van Eyck demonstrated a new medium that allowed an even more versatile palette of color and even greater contrasts of light and depth: oils.  ??One of the most famous portraits to come out of this period of the history of the portrait was the painting Mona Lisa painted by the artist Leonardo da Vinci.  As you will read below this is one of the most famous paintings ever made, in part because of mysteriousness about the emotion of the subject.  See more on the link below.??

    By the second half of the eighteenth century portraits were the staple of the aristocracy, and as such, were not readily available to the middle classes.  It was during this time that early photography was used for portraiture.  This early form of photography was called a daguerreotype named after its inventor Louis Daguerre.  Here are some examples of the portraits made using this photographic technique:??

    Portraiture continued to be done through the periods of Romanticism and Neoclassicism, producing works like this portrait of Napoleon Bonaparte, a French military and political leader.  Although Napoleon appears to be a large man in the painting below, he was actually quite short and so this portrait was altered in order to please Napoleon:??

    During the Modern era including Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, Cubism, and Abstract Art portraiture continued to be done in a range of styles and mediums.   Below are some examples of portraits from notable artists of these periods.??Henri Toulouse Lautrec:??

    Vincent Van Gogh:??

    Pablo Picasso:??

    During the movement called Pop Art that occurred in the 1960’s artists like Andy Warhol, Jasper Johns, Roy Lichtenstein, Robert Rauschenberg and others used images broadcast on TV and other media as their subject matter.  Below are some portraits that were made by Andy Warhol during this time using the technique called silk-screening:??

    That brings us up to the current time where portraits can be made using a range of techniques including photography, painting, drawing, airbrush, computer programs and 3d modeling. 

    Now it’s time for you to try to make a portrait.  Here is your assignment.

    Your teacher will email you a picture that looks like this:??

    Your project is to use your pencil to draw the other half of the face to match the side of the face you have.  Here is an example of what a previous student did:??

    To do this assignment you will have to use what you have learned about tone and value, different kinds of lines, proportion of the human face and portraiture.  You should spend at least?1 hour on your drawing if not more.

    After you have done your drawing you should scan your work and upload it onto your Flickr page.  In the Flickr “Description” panel be sure to include the name of this assignment that is called the face drawing assignment.  All drawings should be uploaded to your Flickr page by one day after the mid-term.  Any work that has not been uploaded by the evening of March 7 will be marked down one letter grade for each week day it is late.

    This concludes the eighth class for AR101.  If you have any questions regarding the material or assignment please email your instructor at

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