COM-FSM > Academic Programs > General Education > Accreditation Requirements
Accreditation RequirementsTable of contentsNo headers"Standard II: Student Learning Programs and Services A. Instructional Programs 2. a. The institution uses established procedures to design, identify learning outcomes for, approve, administer, deliver, and evaluate courses and programs. The institution recognizes the central role of its faculty for establishing quality and improving instructional courses and programs. b. The institution relies on faculty expertise and the assistance of advisory committees when appropriate to identify compentency levels and measurable student learning outcomes for courses, certificates, programs including general and vocational education, and degrees. The institution regularly assesses student progress towards achieving those outcomes. e. The institution evaluates all courses and programs through an on-going systematic review of their relevance, appropriateness, achievement of learning outcomes, currency, and future nees and plans.
3. General education has comprehensive learning outcomes for the students who complete, it, including the following: a. An understanding of the basic content and methodology of the major areas of knowledge; areas include the humanities and fine arts, the natural sciences, and the social sciences. b. A capability to be a productive individual and life-long learner: skills include oral and written communication, information competency, computer literacy, scientific and quantitative reasoning, critical analysis/logical thinking, and the ability to acquire knowledge through a variety of means. c. A recognition of what it means to be an ethical human being and effective citizen: qualities include an appreciation of ethical principles; civility and interpersonal skills; respect for cultural diversity; historical and aesthetic sensitivity; and the willingness to assume civic, political, and social responsibilities locally, nationally, and globally" (pp. 14 - 15).
ACCJC/WASC. (2011, July). Accreditation Reference Handbook. Novato, CA: Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges. Retrieved from http://www.comfsm.fm/accreditation/m...dbook_2011.pdf |