COM-FSM > SIS Documentation > Forms and Reports > Accounts Receivable > Cashiering > Adjustment


Page last modified 06:29, 16 Sep 2008 by Admin
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Adjust closed cashiering sessions

Summary Adjustments to closed but uncleared cashiering sessions can be entered using this form. Entries are made on A/R accounts, by person.
Maintainer Business Office
Affects Open cashiering sessions, as identified on the Open Sessions form
Affected By   

Amount entered as Debit or Credit must be positive (negative amounts will automatically be shifted to opposing column); only one of Debit or Credit may be entered.

Description defaults from the transaction code description, but may be changed when needed to better describe an account entry.

Operation This form is intended to allow correcting entries to be made within cashiering sessions before they are fed to MIP. After a session has been cleared adjustments are no longer possible within A/R, as sessions may not be re-opened.


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