COM-FSM > SIS Documentation > Forms and Reports > Students > Name and ID

Name and ID

Page last modified 08:16, 5 May 2018 by kgirrard
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Name and ID entry and history

Summary Creation and maintenance of name and ID information. This form can be used to create new people in the database, or to record name changes. ID numbers, generated automatically, can also be changed.
Maintainer Office of Admissions and Records
Source Admission application, other
Affects All other person-specific data requires that a person exist in the database.
Affected By  

Great care should be taken to verify that an identity record does not currently exist prior to creating a new record. There are no restrictions on multiple records with the same name data.

To create a new identity record, leave the ID field in the key block empty. When creating a new identity record any names that are similar to the entered name are displayed in the "Existing Potential Duplicate Name and ID Records" block. This includes names that may sound like the entered name. If any records are displayed, the "Force Duplication" override must be checked before the new identity will be created in the database. This check is performed by the database when the record is submitted, so if your connection to the database is slow (and the display of potential duplicate records is delayed) the submission will still be blocked. This should help when slow responses result in a new name being submitted multiple times.

The generated ID will be displayed after the record has been submitted.


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