COM-FSM > SIS Documentation > Forms and Reports > Students > Person


Page last modified 02:37, 12 Sep 2012 by kgirrard
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Basic biographical and address data

Summary Maintenance of biographical data (date of birth, gender, etc) and contact information (mail and e-mail addresses)
Maintainer Office of Admissions and Records
Source Admission application, etc.
Affected By   
Values Gender: (F) Female, (M) Male, (U) Unknown


More than one mail address may be specified. Address types for any existing addresses will be present in the Address Type select list; additional types may be specified to enter other addresses.

One e-mail address should be specified as preferred (Pref) to indicate which address should be used when generating automatic mailings or extracts of data.

Some e-mail address types may restrict the entered address. If an LDAP Service is associated with the address type, the address must be defined by an active account. See LDAP Account for more information.

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