*1. 10-22-2007 - With comments

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    These bylaws were last updated on October 22, 2007. The Senate is soliciting your comments and suggestions or proposed revisions to make the provisions relevant and more responsive to our current needs. 



    College of Micronesia – FSM

    Faculty/Staff Senate Bylaws








    Section 1.            All COM-FSM employees, including full-time and part-time, are members of the COM-FSM Faculty/Staff Senate (hereafter referred to as the Senate), with the exception of the President of COM-FSM.






    Section 1.            Ten dollars annual donation is suggested from each member.








    Section 1.   The Senate serves as a forum to discuss and debate new and existing policies with respect to all issues affecting the College, especially those affecting faculty and staff.


    Section 2.  Through its appointments of faculty and staff representatives to the College’s standing committees and other decision-making bodies, the Senate makes recommendations to the President and/or the Board of Regents.  The Senate also can communicate directly to the President and/or Board of Regents.


    Section 3.   The Senate receives all information that affects the College from the President and the Board of Regents to fulfill its obligations as an active participant in the decision making process.  In particular, the Senate receives information about and is involved in issues discussed in standing committees.


    Section 4.   The Senate empowers its President or other designated representative to represent the Senate on matters affecting its membership at meetings with the Board of Regents, administrative agencies, political entities and other groups.


    Section 5.   The Senate encourages professional development at COM-FSM by identifying areas and developing plans to promote such professional development and by presenting such plans to appropriate authorities.


    Section 6.   The Senate is committed to fair grievance procedures and will support Senate members in the event that administrators fail to implement a decision resulting from a grievance procedure.







    Section 1.  Executive Committee and Officers.  The officers of the Senate are the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and twelve members At-large.  These officers comprise the Executive Committee which is elected by the voting membership of the Senate.  Only full-time employees of the College of Micronesia – FSM are eligible to hold the offices of the Senate.


    Section 2.  Elections of Executive Committee and Officers.  Elections are held at the end of the academic year.  Nomination and voting for officers are by secret ballot.  Vacancies are filled by special elections. The Executive Committee elects the officers of the Senate. Officers cannot serve more than three consecutive terms on the executive committee.


    Section 3.  Term of Office. Term of office is for one year. 



    Section 4. Duties of Officers. The duties of the COM-FSM Faculty/Staff Senate Officers are as follows:


    1. President.  The President presides over the general meetings; chairs the Executive Committee; attends cabinet meetings; represents the Senate at meetings with the Board of Regents, administrative agencies, political bodies and other groups unless another representative is designated by the Senate; approves, in conjunction with the Executive Committee the expenditure of the Senate funds; and performs other duties as authorized by the Senate.


    1. The Vice President.  The Vice President presides over meetings in the absence of the President, performs other duties of the President in his or her absence, and is a member of the Executive Committee.


    1. Secretary.  The Secretary records, publishes, distributes and keeps a file of the minutes of each meeting, is responsible for the correspondence of the Senate, and is a member of the Executive Committee.


    1. Treasurer.  The Treasurer keeps accurate records of funds generated by the Senate, gives an accurate report of the Senate financial standing at every meeting, and is a member of the Executive Committee.


    1. At-large Members.   Two representatives from each site will serve as at-large members. A faculty at-large member is elected by the Executive Committee to chair the faculty Subcommittee and a staff at-large member is elected by the Executive Committee to chair the staff Subcommittee.


    The Faculty Subcommittee is comprised of all the at-large faculty members and has the following mandate:


    1. Gather opinions and concerns from the faculty and speak for faculty members on matters of concern to the faculty.  The Faculty Sub-Committee may speak on behalf of the faculty without prior approval of the Senate president.


    The Staff Subcommittee is comprised of all the at-large staff members and has the following mandate:


    1. Gather opinions and concerns from the staff and speak for staff members on matters of concern to the staff.  The Staff Sub-Committee may speak on behalf of the staff without prior approval of the Senate president.



    Section 4.  The Executive Committee.  The Executive Committee is responsible for the administrative affairs of the Senate.  The Executive Committee draws up an agenda for each meeting based upon the requests of the members and in response to reports and information coming to its attention.  The Executive Committee can act for the Senate between meetings.  This includes the power to recommend policies and speak for the Senate.  If no policy exists, the Executive Committee may take action as it deems in the best interest of the Senate.


    Section 5.  Executive Committee Membership.  The Executive Committee consists of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and twelve at-large elected members from the voting membership.


    Section 6.  Recall.  Executive Committee members may be recalled by 60% vote of those attending the meeting.  Two weeks’ notice of a recall vote must be given to the committee member(s) subject to recall.  Voting is by secret ballot.


    Section 7.  Five Sites.  In addition to the six members from the National Campus, one staff member and one faculty member from each site will be elected at the end of each academic year by the Senate members of their respective sites to serve as members of the Executive Committee.







    Section 1.    The policy regarding meetings for Executive Committee is as follows:


    1. Regular meetings are held monthly.  Notice of regular meetings, including an agenda, is publicly posted at least one week in advance.  All meetings are open to the public.


    The policy regarding Faculty/Staff Senate general meetings is as follows:


    1. Regular meetingsof the Senate are held at least once per semester.  Notice of meetings, including an agenda, is publicly posted at least one week in advance.  All meetings are open to the public.


    1. Special meetingsmay be called by the President or upon demand of two or more members.  Notice of special meetings, including an agenda, is to be publicly posted at least 48 hours in advance.


    c.   Voting is by secret ballot and/or email depending on the issue.

    1. All members of the Senate have voting rights.


    1. The President of COM-FSM does not have voting rights, and
    2. Proxy voting is prohibited.


    Section 2.    Quorum.  A quorum for general meetings requires 18 members in attendance at the opening of the meeting.  Business cannot be conducted with fewer than 12 members in attendance.







    The President may propose to the membership of the Senate the creation of standing and ad hoc committees from time to time.  Members for these committees are to be selected by the President subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.







    These Bylaws can be amended by two-thirds of those voting in any meeting.  Public notice is to be posted at least one week in advance of any impending vote on a proposed amendment.







    Section 1.   These Bylaws are ratified if two-thirds of the members present vote in favor of adoption.  One week’s notice of the ratification vote must be given.  Members are to receive copies of the proposed Bylaws to study one week prior to the vote.


    Section 2.   Effective Date.  These Bylaws take effect immediately upon approval.









    Approved by:




    ___________________________               _________________________            ______________________

    Senate President                                               Senate Vice-President                              Senate At-Large

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