COM-FSM > Committee Terms of Reference > HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEEPage Title
HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEEPage TitleTable of contentsNo headers
College of Micronesia-FSM
A. Authority The Human Resources Committee operates through the authority of and reports to the President through the Office of Human Resources. Recommendations from the committee are submitted by the Director of Human Resources through the VPAS to the President for action.
B. Purpose The Human Resources Committee advises the president on matters relating to human resources, including professional development.
C. Membership The members of the Human Resources Committee are at least: · Eight (8) representatives from each campus sites (one faculty and one staff), Yap and FMI are considered one campus. · Eight (8) representatives from the national campus (4 faculty and 4 staff). · One (1) representative from Faculty and Staff Senate. · Director of human resources, ex officio member This total of seventeen (17) members makes up the Human Resources Committee. At the end of the academic year, the VP’s and/or campus deans, and the Faculty and Staff Senate recommend representatives to the Human Resources Committee.
D. Organization The committee elects officers (chair, vice-chair, and secretary) at the end of the academic year. The officers-elect will serve for two (2) academic years, with the vice-chair as chair-in-training, and will assume office as chair in the next two (2) academic years. After two academic years, an election will be held for vice-chair and secretary. However, in the event that during the two academic years, the committee members decide that an officer-elect is negligent in performing his/her duties, a special election will be held for his/her position. The officers-elect will not officially take office until the start of the new academic year (usually in August).
E. Responsibilities 1. Human Resources Committee The responsibilities of the Human Resources Committee are to:
2. Committee Members The responsibilities of committee members are to: · Regularly prepare for and attend committee meetings; · Actively participate in meetings; and ·Share information on committee discussions, recommendations and decisions with, and gather input from, their area of representation (e.g. communicate with his or her vice president and campus dean and the community he or she represents.).
3. Chairperson
The chairperson’s responsibilities are to: · Preside over meetings; · Ensure the terms of reference for the committee is met and matters brought before the committee are judiciously addressed; · Prepare and distribute the agenda prior to each meeting; and · Ensure committee minutes, reports, and recommendations are completed and appropriately disseminated in a timely manner. 4. Vice Chairperson The responsibilities of the vice chairperson are to: · Preside over meetings in the absence of the chair; and · Assist the chairperson with the above responsibilities.
5.Secretary The responsibilities of the secretary are to: · Take and prepare accurate minutes; and · Distribute and post the minutes in a timely manner; and · Record attendance of committee members.
6. FSS representative The responsibilities of the FSS representative are to: · Disseminate motions adopted by HRC on policies reviewed; · Gather comments and suggestions from FSS on same policies; and · Share comments and suggestions of FSS to HRC.
F. Meetings Meetings are to be held on the first Thursday of every month at 3:00-4:00 PM. However, if the schedule is a holiday or coincides with a college activity, the meeting will be held on the second Thursday of the month. The chairperson may call special meetings or upon consent of the majority of the members, reschedule the regular meetings or extend to a reasonable amount of time depending upon the necessity of the matter being discussed. Twenty-five percent (5 members) of members constitute a quorum for discussion purposes. A majority fifty percent plus one of all members (11 members) is required to act on a motion. Electronic voting may be utilized when necessary. Results of electronic voting are to be documented in the next committee meeting minutes.
G. Communications & Distribution of Information Other members, other committees, or the president may submit agenda items to the chairperson. The chairperson compiles the agenda and forwards it to committee members prior to meetings. All meetings are to have minutes, which are to be distributed electronically within three working days for members to review. Members are to comment within the next three working days. The minutes are officially adopted at the next meeting. The HRC secretary then distributes the official minutes to all committee members and posts it on the wiki. The HRO maintains a file on official HRC minutes. Following each meeting, the chairperson informs all concerned of decisions or forwards recommendations from the committee to the HR director for submission to the president through the VPAS. The HR director also updates the members of the action taken on the committee’s recommendations.
Committee members convey concerns and input on current issues from their respective areas to the committee. They also discuss the issues being addressed by the committee and share committee minutes with the community they represent
H. Committee Assessment The committee will conduct a self-evaluation annually and during its last month of the year using any existing tool or create one when needed. |