Page last modified 16:27, 15 Mar 2012 by Shaun_Suliol
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    College of Micronesia-FSM



    Terms of Reference



    A.    Authority


    The Recruitment, Admissions and Retention Committee (RARC) operates through the authority of and reports to the President.  Recommendations from the committee are submitted to the President for action.


    B.     Purpose


    The RARC advises the President in all matters relating to the recruitment, admissions and retention of students at the college.


    C.    Membership


    The members of the RARC should consist of full-time faculty members and staff who have been recommended by division chairs and department heads.The OARR Director shall serve as an ex-officio non-voting member of the Committee.


    D.    Organization


    The chairperson, vice-chairperson, and secretary of the RARC are elected by its members at the beginning of the academic year.


    E.     Responsibilities


    1.      Committee Members


    The responsibilities of the committee members are to:


    ·         Regularly prepare for and attend committee meetings;

    ·         Actively participate in meetings; and

    ·         Share information on committee discussions, recommendations and decisions with and gather input from their area of representation.

    ·         Review and recommend policies, standards (including admissions standards), and regulations for the recruitment, admission and retention of students;

    ·         Preview and evaluate the reliability and validity of COM-FSM Entrance Test (COMET) and make recommendations if need;

    ·         Review statistical analysis of testing data;

    ·         Recommend students for admission to appropriate programs;

    ·         Oversee student recruitment;

    ·         Act on other matters referred by the Curriculum Assessment Committee, (CAC), and Student Services Department and vice versa;

    ·         Assist in the development and implementation of the institution recruitment and enrollment management plan and

    ·         Review plans assessments and evaluations and make recommendations.


    2.  Chairperson


    The chairperson’s responsibilities are to:


    ·         Preside over meetings;

    ·         Ensure the terms of reference for the committee are met and matters brought before the committee are judiciously addressed;

    ·         Prepare and distribute the agenda prior to each meeting; and

    ·         Ensure committee minutes, reports, and recommendations are completed and appropriately disseminated in a timely manner.


    3. Vice Chairperson


    The responsibilities of the vice chairperson are to:


    ·         Presides over meetings in the absence of the chair; and

    ·         Assist the chairperson with the above responsibilities.


      4. Secretary


    The responsibilities of the secretary are to:


    ·         Take and prepare accurate minutes;

    ·         Distribute and post the minutes in a timely manner; and

    ·         Record attendance of committee members.


    5. Proxy


    Responsibilities of proxy are to:


    ·         Attend committee meetings and perform the functions of a member in his/her absence;

    ·         Communicate regularly with the committee member to clarify the member’s view on issues and provide post-meeting feedback; and

    ·         Vote on behalf of the member


    F.     Meetings


    Meetings are held at a minimum once a month throughout the year.  The schedule is determined at the beginning of each academic term.  The chairperson may call special meetings or reschedule regular meetings as necessary.  In addition to face-to-face meetings, teleconferences and electronic meetings may be held.  Twenty-five percent of the members constitute a quorum for discussion purposes.  A majority vote of all members is required to carry a motion.   Electronic voting may be utilized when necessary.  Results of electronic voting are to be documented in the next committee meeting minutes. 


    G.    Distribution of Information


    Agenda items may be submitted to the chairperson by other members, other committees, or the President.  The chairperson compiles the agenda and forwards it to committee members prior to meeting.


    All meetings are to have minutes, which are to be distributed electronically within three working days of the meeting to members for their review.  Members are to comment within the next three working days.  The minutes are officially adopted at the next meeting.  Once minutes have been approved by a majority of members the secretary will send them out to the VPSS for approval. 


    Following each meeting, the chairperson informs all concerned of decisions or forwards recommendations from the committee to the President.  The chairperson also updates the members of the action taken on the committee’s recommendations.


    Committee members convey concerns and input on current issues from their respective areas to the committee.  They also discuss the issues being addressed by the committee and share committee minutes with the community they represent.


    H.    Representation by Proxy


    The college is actively working to improve its technical capacity to allow remote participation of members of the committee.  Until that is achieved, remote members of the committee may select a proxy to act in their stead.  Proxies must be regular employees of the college and reside on the island where the meeting is held.  Committee members may not serve as a proxy.




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