Page last modified 16:22, 15 Mar 2012 by Shaun_Suliol
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College of Micronesia-FSM



Terms of Reference



A.                Authority


As a subcommittee of the Human Resources Committee, the Campus Staff Development Committee operates through the authority of and reports to the Campus Director or Vice President for Administrative Services through the Office of Human Resources.  Recommendations for educational leave and degree programs from the committee are forwarded   through HR office and Campus Directors/VPAS to the President for approval. 



B.                 Purpose 


The Campus Staff Development Committee advises the Campus Director and/or the Vice President for Administrative Services on issues relating to staff development requests and programs at each campus. In any case where allocation of money is under Staff Development as one system and not by campus, the state campus committee will dissolve.



C.                Membership


The members of the Campus Staff Development Committee are:


·      Human Resources Representative

·      Four Representatives (4), one from each department


At the beginning of the academic year, at the State Campus, the Campus Director with consultation with the Human Resources Office will recommend the HR Representative. The Campus Director and Coordinators from CRE, Student Services, and instructional affairs will each recommend a department representative.

At the National Campus, the Vice President for Administrative Services in consultation with the Human Resources Office will recommend the HR representative while each VP will recommend a department representative. The President then appoints the committee members based on the recommendations.


Responsibilities of committee members are to:


·         Regularly prepare for and attend committee meetings;

·         Actively participate in meetings; and

·         Share information on committee discussion, recommendations, and decisions with and gather input from the area of representation.


D.                Organization


The Human Resources Representative chairs the Campus Staff Development Committee or as appointed by the campus director.  The chairperson’s responsibilities are to: 


·         Preside over meetings;

·         Ensure the terms of reference for the committee are met and matters brought before the committee are judiciously addressed;

·         Prepare and distribute the agenda prior to each meeting;

·         Ensure committee minutes, reports, and recommendations are completed and appropriately disseminated in a timely manner; and

·         Provide linkage with the Human Resources Committee by serving as a member.


A vice chairperson is elected at the beginning of the academic year.  The responsibilities of the vice chairperson are to:


·         Preside over meetings in the absence of the chair; and

·         Assist the chairperson with the above responsibilities.


A member will elected committee secretary at the beginning of the academic year.  The responsibilities of the secretary are to:


·         Take and prepare accurate minutes;

·         Distribute and post the minutes in a timely manner; and

·         Record attendance of committee members.



E.                 Meetings


Meetings are held monthly (or as needed). The schedule is determined at the beginning of each academic term.  The chairperson may call special meetings or upon consent of the majority of the members reschedule the regular meetings.  Meetings may be held face-to-face or via teleconferences or other communication technologies.  Twenty-five percent of members present constitute a quorum for discussion purposes.  A majority vote of all members is required to act on a motion.   Electronic voting may be utilized when necessary.  Results of electronic voting are to be documented in the next committee meeting minutes. 



F.                 Responsibilities


The responsibilities of the Campus Staff Development Committee are to:


·         Review and develop staff development programs for the Campus that is linked to and supportive of the master staff development program and College priorities;

·         Provide initial review of campus degree and educational leave for staff development requests and make recommendations to the President;

·         Provide support and assistance on policy review and recommendation to the Human Resources Committee;

·         Receive assignments from the Human Resources Committee;

·         Review and make recommendations to the Campus Director or the Vice President for Administrative Services on non-degree short term staff development requests.


G.                Communications & Distribution of Information


Agenda items may be submitted to the chairperson by other members, other committees, campus directors/VPs, or the President.  The chairperson compiles the agenda and forwards it to committee members prior to meetings. 


All meetings are to have minutes which are to be distributed electronically within three working days of the meeting to members for their review.  Members are to comment within the next three working days.  The minutes are officially adopted at the next meeting. The elected secretary distributes the official minutes to all committee members, Chair of the Steering Staff Development Committee, the Campus Director or Vice President for Administrative Services.  The administrative office at each site maintains a file on official Campus Staff Development Committee minutes.


Following each meeting, the chairperson informs all concerned of decisions or forwards educational leave and degree program recommendations from the committee to the President through the chairperson of the System die Staff Development Committee.  For non-degree short-term programs, campus recommendations are forwarded to the Campus Director or the Vice President for Administrative Services. The chairperson also updates the members of the action taken on the committee’s recommendations.


Committee members convey concerns and input on current issues from their respective areas to the committee.  They also discuss the issues being addressed by the committee and share committee minutes with the community they represent.


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