FACILITIES AND CAMPUS ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEEPage TitleTable of contentsNo headersCollege of Micronesia-FSM
A. Authority
The Facilities and Campus Environment Committee operates through the authority of and reports to the President through the Director of Maintenance, Facilities, and Security, and the Vice President for Administration. Recommendations from the committee are submitted through the Director of Maintenance, Facilities, and Security and the Vice President for Administration to the President for action.
B. Purpose
The Facilities and Campus Environment Committee advises the Director of Maintenance, Facilities, and Security, the Vice President for Administration, and the President on matters relating to facilities planning, campus beautification, infrastructure maintenance, disaster preparedness, and safety, security and accessibility issues.
C. Membership
The members of the Facilities and Campus Environment Committee are:
? Faculty representatives from the national site ? Staff representative from the national site ? One faculty representative from each state site. ? One staff representative from each state site.
The committee will select officers by election at the first meeting of each academic school year.
Responsibilities of committee members are to:
? Regularly prepare for and attend committee meetings; ? Actively participate in meetings; and ? Share information on committee discussions, recommendations and decisions with and gather input from their area of representation.
D. Organization
A chairperson is elected at the beginning of the academic year. The chairperson’s responsibilities are to:
a. Preside over meetings; b. Ensure the terms of reference for the committee are met and matters brought before the committee are judiciously addressed; c. Prepare and distribute the agenda prior to each meeting; and d. Ensure committee minutes, reports, and recommendations are completed and appropriately disseminated in a timely manner. e. Minutes shall be distributed electronically for review by members within three working days.
A vice-chairperson is elected at the beginning of the academic year. The responsibilities of the vice chairperson are to:
? Preside over meetings in the absence of the chair; and ? Assist the chairperson with the above responsibilities.
A secretary is elected at the beginning of the academic year. The responsibilities of the secretary are to:
? Take and prepare accurate minutes; ? Assist the chairperson in preparing the agenda and distribute at least one working dayprior to the meeting. ? Distribute and post the minutes electronically within three working days in; and ? Record attendance of committee members.
E. Meetings
Meetings are held at least once a month. The schedule is determined at the beginning of each academic term. Meetings may be held face-to-face or via teleconferences or other communication technologies.
A quorum is formed by the presence of five or more members of the committee including at least one officer or their designee. A simple majority vote of all members is required to act on a motion. Electronic voting may be utilized when necessary. Results of electronic voting are to be documented in the next committee meeting minutes.
Working groups: Occasionally working groups, consisting of a subset of the members and/or members from outside the committee, are created by the chairperson to respond to a specific challenge. If a working group is required, working group meetings are held as needed for the duration of the task. The working groups report results to the full committee.
F. Responsibilities The responsibilities of the Facilities and Campus Environment Committee are to:
1. Develop or revise policies and/or procedures assigned to or identified by the committee; 2. Review and provide input on all major documents relating to facilities and campus environment, such as facilities master plan, maintenance plan, security plan, disaster preparedness and responsiveness plan, campus beautification plan, etc.; 3. Review and provide input on the infrastructure development master plan annually; 4. Review major renovation and or building requests; 5. Review and provide input on standards and specifications for infrastructure, equipment and procurement procedures. 6. Review assessments/evaluations of facilities and campus environment and make recommendations.
G. Communications & Distribution of Information
To ensure broad participation and input from the college community, agenda items can be submitted to the chairperson by the members of cabinet, college standing committees, faculty, staff, the Student Body Association, and the President.
? All meetings will have have minutes distributed electronically within three working daysof the meeting to members for their review. ? Members are to comment within the next three working days. ? The minutes will be officially adopted at the next meeting. The secretary of the committee then distributes the official minutes to all committee members, the Director of Maintenance, Facilities, and Security, Security and Safety Supervisor, and members of cabinet. ? Publicly releasable information will be provided to the college web master for posting on the college web site. ? To ensure broad participation and input from the college community, the chairperson shall ensure that the Student Body Association, Campus Directors, Faculty/Staff Senate, and Offices that will be impacted by the recommendations are informed and to provide feedback within 15 working days. All information received shall be disseminated to the committee for further consideration and action at the next meeting and make recommendations to the Director of Maintenance, Facilities, and Security, Vice President for Administration, and the President. All communications can be expedited by email prior to the next meeting.
The Maintenance Office maintains a file on official Facilities and Campus Environment Committee minutes.
Drafts: 05 April 2011, 06 September 2011. Final draft: 09 November 2011. By: Director of Maintenance and Security, Chair Facilities and Campus Environment Committee |