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WHAT : Senate Meeting
WHEN : February 26, 2012 (Thursday), 2:00 - 3:00 PM
WHERE : BOR Conference Room, National Campus
Old Business:
- 1.Revision of Senate By-Laws
- 2.Past Minutes/Treasurer’s reports
New Business:
- 1.Salaries:
- Full-time faculty salaries: No step increase in 2013 budget; to be paid by number of credits or by number of contact hours?
- Part-Time Instructor’s salary
- Summer Instructor’s salary
- 2.Other issues
- Tuition waiver policy changes
- Loanable amount from retirement fund
- Effect of PELL's 67% passing requirement on faculty teaching
- Purpose of the Senate’s Fund
- •Senate wiki page
- •LRC as repository for all committee and senate minutes