Senate President's Update

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    "This College is changing, and every person in this room has a role to play and a contribution to make in how the next few months and years will unfold—in how our institution will ultimately be defined. We’re all stakeholders in this transformation."

    Christopher Ross Perkins
    September 14, 2012


    Date Posted: September 18, 2012

    Good afternoon. It is an honor to speak to you on behalf of the Faculty/Staff Senate. Thank you for joining us today. 

    We are here today to recognize the “core” of this institution…instruction…and in doing so—the faculty.  We are a student-centered institution, one where students come to learn, gain knowledge and to grow into responsible young men and women. 

    I want to begin by asking you to take a second to look at the people around you: there are some familiar faces you’ve known for years, but there are some new faces, those of faculty, staff and especially students.

    This College is changing, and every person in this room has a role to play and a contribution to make in how the next few months and years will unfold—in how our institution will ultimately be defined. We’re all stakeholders in this transformation.

    I want to take a few moments to thank the Faculty and Staff for the exceptionally outstanding hard work everyone has contributed to the college over the past year.  It is because of this hard work that the college is moving in the right direction. However, we cannot rest on our laurels. We must continue to strive for excellence, not only in our service to the college and community, but as educators in the classroom.

    I’m proud to be a part of such a talented faculty...and to have the privilege to work with so many wonderful people from the staff members to the VPs to the President.  As President of the Faculty/Staff Senate, I pledge to work with all constituents within the college to bring about positive change. 

    I would like to end with a quote from U.S. President Barack Obama: 

    "Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek."

    Thank you,







    By Prof. Christopher Ross Perkins
    Date Posted: September 8, 2012


    On behalf of the Faculty/Staff Senate I am honored to inform the COM-FSM community of our 2012-2013 representatives.  The Faculty/ Staff Senate representatives are: 
    • President:  Christopher Ross Perkins
    • Vice President:  Francisco Mendiola
    • Secretary:  Rafael Pulmano
    • Treasurer:  Morehna Rettin-Santos
    • Chuuk Campus:   Alton Higashi (Faculty)  |  Maika Tuala  (Staff rep)
    • Kosrae Campus:  Murphy Ribauw (Faculty)  |  Maver Jonathan  (Staff)
    • Pohnpei Campus:  Debra Perman (Faculty)  |  Maureen Mendiola (Staff)
    • Yap Campus:  Rosa Tacheliol (Faculty)  |  Teresa Filepin (Staff)
    • FMI Campus:  Alvin Sinem (Faculty)  |  Augustine Sanemai (Staff)
    • National Campus:  Joseph Felix Jr. (Faculty)  |  Joey Oducado (Staff)
    The Senate serves as a forum to discuss and debate new and existing policies or issues affecting the College, especially faculty and staff. Its members include all COM-FSM employees, whether full-time or part-time, with the exception of the President.
    As members of this Senate, you are all encouraged to visit and check the wiki ( from time to time and actively get involved by browsing through the minutes, reports, resolutions, and other information to be uploaded here, posting your comments, asking questions, raising relevant issues, offering suggestions, and participating in online discussions.
    You may also bring your concerns to the Senate's attention by contacting your campus representatives, or by sending your email to
    Finally, I would like to thank the outgoing Senate officers and representatives for all the hard work they did last year.  
    Christopher Ross Perkins
    President Faculty/ Staff Senate






    From Prof. Resida S. Keller's email addressed to the senate dated August 17, 2012.
    Date Posted: September 8, 2012



    Dear Senate members, 

    As the new year begins, I would like to thank all of our outgoing Faculty/Staff senate members for your hard work in the previous year.  Although the year was filled with challenges and things were hectic with accreditation issues,  it was great to see that every campus had representatives in the Faculty/Staff senate, our senate wiki was established enabling us to communicate in yet another new way and a 20% increase to the faculty summer pay was secured as well as a commitment from the President to address concerns that were brought to his attention.  I trust that our incoming representatives will see my shortcomings from the previous year and work to ensure that there is improvement in the senate for the upcoming year.     

    As  I step down, I would like to urge those of you who are continuing as representatives for your respective campuses, to push forward the issues that we had identified and which had been brought to our attention from our constituents.  I ask that you continue in your commitment to serve in this important position as you have been selected by your peers to voice our concerns and issues to our administration.  For those of you who are stepping down, I also ask that you assist our new representatives in any area that they may need assistance in so that the Faculty/Staff senate can continue to be a driving force in the governance of our institution.   

    It has been a pleasure and a great experience serving as the Faculty/Staff senate president and working with you all.  I know that if we all continue in our diligence and service to the college, that good things will come and improvements will be seen.  

    Congratulations to all the new representatives and thank you for your willingness to serve in the senate.  For the upcoming new year, the elected/selected members for the COM-FSM Faculty/Staff senate are as follows: 

    National campus: 
         Christopher Ross Perkins, Rafael Pulmano and Joseph Felix Jr. (Faculty Reps)
         Francisco Mendiola, Joey Oducado and Morehna Rettin-Santos (Staff Reps)

    Chuuk Campus: 
        Alton Higashi (Faculty Rep)
        Maika Tuala  (Staff Rep)

    Kosrae Campus: 
        Latika Raisinghani (Faculty Rep)
        Maver Jonathon  (Staff Rep)

    Pohnpei Campus: 
        Debra Perman (Faculty Rep)
        Maureen Mendiola (Staff Rep)

    Yap Campus: 


    Best regards, 

    Resida Samson Keller
    College of Micronesia-FSM







    President Daisy responds to concern by faculty from all campuses regarding this year's summer pay.

    Date Posted: May 16, 2012


    The college will implement for this summer only, the same incentive provided last summer, a 20% increase above the current compensation schedule.

    COM-FSM President Joseph M. Daisy communicated this information to the working group that was tasked by the Senate's Faculty Subcommittee to meet with him last April 27, 2012 in order to discuss the Summer contract pay.  The group was composed of Senate President Resida Keller, Dr. Richard Womack, and Prof. Dana Lee Ling and Rafael Pulmano.
    In his email message, the president said he was pleased to have met with the group several weeks ago and to learn of the concerns related to the summer pay for faculty. He expressed appreciation for the perspective that they provided and also the professional and respectful tone exhibited throughout the discussion.
    According to the president, as this issue will likely take many more minds to appropriately address, he encourages representatives from the faculty to engage in further discussions and plans for consideration to permanently resolve the summer pay issue for faculty.
    He said that, as promised, he had looked into the options available now, that a 20% increase at this time is merely a temporary solution, and that he looks forward to a timely resolution of concerns related to the summer compensation for faculty.







    This message was originally sent by Senate Secretary Rafael Pulmano to all faculty and staff via email on May 4, 2012.

    Date Posted: May 4, 2012

    Prof. Resida Keller, President of COM-FSM Faculty/Staff Senate, announces that as of yesterday morning, the senate has received the following:
    • National Campus – Christopher Ross Perkins (faculty representative - 2 nominations)
    • Pohnpei Campus –  Jean Ranahan, Debra Perman, Gardner Edgar, Phyllis Silbanuz (Faculty Representatives); Maureen Mendiola, Jeffrey Arnold, Yoneko Kanichy (Staff Representatives)
    • Yap Campus – Teresa Filepin (Staff Representative)
    • National Campus – Richard Womack (Faculty Representative), Francisco Mendiola (Staff Representative)
    Other announcements and updates:
    • National Campus needs at least six representatives – 3 for faculty and 3 for staff.
    • State campuses need at least two representatives – 1 for faculty and 1 for staff.
    • We have not yet received information from other state campuses.
    • Original deadline for submission of nominations and declaration of candidacy was May 2.
    • Deadline for submission is hereby extended until Tuesday next week, MAY 8. Campuses which have enough number of nominees/candidates (such as Pohnpei Campus), have the option not to extend the deadline.
    • The period for campaigning by candidates, and information drive by those who submitted nominations and want to show support to their candidates, stays the same:  MAY 3 - 8.
    • No change in date of election:  MAY 9.
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