Terms of Engagement

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    This page offers a quick reference guide that we hope will help and make it easier for faculty, staff, and other stakeholders, to engage in purposeful dialogue and exchange of ideas affecting the college.  The title Terms of Engagement, we hope, says it all.  Let's all get engaged in lively discussion of concerns and issues.  Here are terms – and what they mean – that you may need to know, or recall in case memory fails you.
    Let's start with ...
    Cabinet  – President's Cabinet
    CAC  – Curriculum and Assessment Committee
    FAC  – Financial Aid Committee
    FC  – Finance Committee
    FCEC  – Facilities and Campus Environment Committee
    HRC  – Human Resources Committee
    ICTC  – Information and Communications Technology Committee
    PRC  – Planning and Resources Committee
    RARC  – Recruitment, Admission, and Retention Committee
    Organizational units and Positions/Titles
    ALO – Accreditation Liaiason Officer
    COC – Council of Chairs
    COM – College of Micronesia
    CRE – Cooperative Research & Extension
    DAP – Director of Academic Programs
    DCR – Development and Community Relations
    DSL – Director of Student Life
    FAO – Financial Aid Office
    FMI – Fisheries and Maritime Institute
    FSS – Faculty/Staff Senate
    HR – Human Resources
    IRPO – Institutional Research and Planning Office
    IT – Information Technology
    LRC – Learning Resources Center
    MITC – Media and Instructional Technology Center
    OAR – Office of Admissions and Records
    PBDC – Pohnpei Business Development Center
    PTK – Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society
    SBA – Student Body Association
    VPA – Vice President for Administration
    VPIA – Vice President for Instructional Affairs
    VPSSA – Vice President for Student Support Services
    YES! – Young Executives Society
    ACCJC – Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges
    WASC – Western Association of Schools and Colleges
    AES – Agricultural Experiment Station
    AS – Associate of Science
    AAS – Associate of Applied Science
    CES – Cooperative Extension Services
    DE – Distance Education
    PHTP – Public Health Training Program
    RI – Resident Instruction
    TSP – Educational Talent Search Program
    TYC – Third-Year Certificate
    UB – Upward Bound Program
    CCM – Community College of Micronesia
    FSM – Federated States of Micronesia
    MMFA – Micronesian Maritime and Fisheries Academy
    MTEC – Micronesia Teacher Education Center
    TTPI – Trust Territory of Pacific Islands
    More coming up....
    Found errors in this page? Want to see other terms added to the list? Got any suggestions? 
    Contact: Rafael Pulmano, Tel. No. (691) 320-2481 Ext. 110, or send email to

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