COM-FSM > SIS Documentation > Forms and Reports > Administration > Organization


Page last modified 02:14, 11 Jul 2013 by kgirrard
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Summary Manages general and internal information that controls operation of the SIS, including institution names, time zone, and internationalization
Maintainer Information Technology
Source Information Technology
Affected By  
Values See LDAP Integration and IMAP Integration for more complete information on configuring those services
Requirements When using LDAP, all data fields must be specified, including a password for the Auth CN user. If mailing list support is not required, the MTA Alias DN and MTA Alias Match configuration can be omitted.


Server Time Zone should specify the time zone active on the database server. Other locations (defined on the Campus form) should then have their local time zones configured appropriately.

Date Format determines the format used on forms during data entry, and where a short-form date is displayed in reports

Date Format (long) is used primarily on reports

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