Page last modified 01:40, 15 Apr 2014 by Rafael_Pulmano

    Version as of 19:36, 6 Oct 2024

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    The oldest available copy of the bylaws was one that was last updated on October 22, 2007.

    In 2012, an attempt to revise these bylaws resulted in comments and suggestions posted to the senate wiki, but no actual revision took place.

    During the last quarter of 2013, Facuty/Staff Senate President Ross Perkins formed a working group to draft the revision of the senate bylaws. The group was headed by Professor Ringlen Ringlen as chair, with Director Francisco Mendiola and Professor Rafael Pulmano as members.

    The first draft revision, completed on November 13, 2013, was posted by Ross on Google Documents (see

    The working group continued to meet in 2014 and released a second revised draft on January 9. Comments and suggestions received by the working group from Alton Higashi were incorporated in this draft.

    Additional comments and suggestions were received by the group, this time from Norma Edwin. The final revision, completed on April 14, 2014, contains those comments and suggestions. This is the version that is being presented to the faculty and staff of COM-FSM for ratification.


    Below are links to the different versions of the senate bylaws. The most recent version is listed first. 

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