Student Success Committee

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    Welcome to the Student Success Commitee Page!

    Members for AY 2022-2023 are as follows:


    Chairperson (CTEC) Tendy Liwy
    Vice Chairperson (KC) Skipper Ittu
    Secretary (CC) Wilson Bisalen
    Ex-Officio (Acting Director of Student Life) Loatis Seneres
    CC Faculty Rep Miuty Nokar
    CC Faculty Rep Ben Bambo Sr.
    CTEC Faculty Rep Brigeen Lawrence
    CTEC Faculty Rep Jocelyn Patrick
    CTEC Faculty Rep Jean Ranahan
    CTEC Staff Sra Mackwelung
    CTEC Staff Beverly Ilemanglish
    CTEC Staff (Student Services) Rihter Hellan
    CTEC Staff (Student Services) Cindy Edwin
    FMI Staff (Student Services) Rufus Yaisolug
    FMI Staff (Student Services) Joyce Sinem
    FMI Faculty Tony Igeral
    KC Faculty Rep Rosalinda Bueno
    KC Student Services Coordinator Eileen Nena
    NC Student Services Benina Ilon
    NC Student Services Jula Martin
    NC Admin Services Sinobu Lebehn
    NC Faculty Jothy John
    NC Faculty Mike Ioanis
    NC Staff Francis Alex
    YC Staff Monalisa Layan
    YC Faculty Rep. Iphina Giyetinag
    SBA Officers NC SBA President Vince Perman
    SBA Officers NC SBA Vice President Shaquille Warren
    SBA Officers CC SBA President Cody Elias
    SBA Officers KC SBA President Brenesheen Charley
    SBA Officers CTEC SBA President Hosty Alexander
    SBA Officers YC SBA President Jamee Fathal
    Additional Attendees: SSC Chuuk Campus Kestery Enlet
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