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Faculty/Staff Senate
November 19, 2007
Present: Joe Habuchmai (President), Grilly Jack (Vice-President), Susan Moses (Faculty at-large), Lore Nena (Treasurer), and Mariana Ben Dereas (Secretary)
Absent: Alfred Olter (Staff at-large)
Meeting opened at 12:45pm
- Christmas Party –
- Discuss was to decide on the venue, date and time of the upcoming party.
- Agreed that it is too late to have a Thanksgiving party thus will have an early Christmas party.
- 3 options were given:
- Nantelik, December 1st at 4:00 to 7:00pm
- COM-FSM, December 13th, 3:00 to 5:00pm
- Somewhere off-campus, December 7th, 3:00 to 5:00pm
- President shared that many staff and faculty raised the interest of having a party off- campus because wanted more relaxed atmosphere, socialization and to have fun. He felt that there should be a time where administration, faculty, and staff get together and share and at the same time have fun.
- There was a concern about lack of participation but it was discussed that if each division or department is given a role to play in the planning of program, then more will want to join party.
- Another concern that was raised was the idea that if had party on weekend, many of the locals and those that live far from venue will not show-up. Reason being the distance and weekend commitments to family and community.
- Agreed that party will be on campus, December 13th (day after final exams) at the practice gym, 3:00 to 5:00pm.
- 3 committees were made:
- Set-up/clean-up – Alfred
- Food – Lore and Mariana
- Program – Joe, Grilly and Sue
- Each committee will recruit members to help.
- NOTE: Joe will make arrangements with Director of Student Life for the use of gym and will inform College President of proposed date and time.
- By-laws –
- Did not discuss in this meeting because ran out of time.
- Next meeting –
- Monday, November 26th at 12:30pm. Venue will be announced later.
Respectfully submitted by:
Mariana Ben Dereas
Faculty/Staff Senate secretary