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2007 June 01

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Faculty/Staff Senate


June 1, 2007


Present:  Joseph Habuchmai (President), Grilly Jack (Vice-President), Susan Moses (Faculty at Large), Lore Nena (Treasurer), and Mariana Ben Dereas (Secretary)

Absent:  Alfred Olter (Staff at Large) 


Meeting opened at 10:40am


  1. Reading of May 23, 2007 minutes
    1. Moved and second to be accepted with minor changes.
    2. All present voted yes to accepting minutes of May 23rd.
  2. Review and Discussions of pending issues
    1. Placement of employees.
      1. Meeting will be made with the Director of Human Resources (Rencelly Nelson).
        1. Will discuss Section E of the policy.
        2. Suggest that Personnel Committee needs to develop a clear policy because current policy does not say “continuous employment” at the College thus decision to start returning employees on a entry level or not continuing level that employee left at is not supported by current policy.
      2. Mariana will request meeting time with Rencelly on the week of June 12th.
    2. Committee Appointment
      1. Status of committee appointment is based on when Terms of Reference of each Committee is completed.
        1. Senate President will follow-up with Spensin James regarding setting a deadline for each committee to turn in their Terms of Reference.
    3. Bylaws
      1. Senate representatives will review bylaws this summer 2007.
        1. Things to consider
          1. Role of the other 5 sites
            1. Should they have separate organization
            2. Should they have a liaison
            3. How will communication be shared by all 6 sites?
          2. Discussion of bylaws will be on Wednesday, June 27 at 9:00am. Venue will be announced when reminder is given
          3. Sue will bring comments made by Norma during Senate general meeting last year.
    4. Health Insurance for part-time employees
      1. Alfred is waiting for open season to see whether or not will accept part-time employees’ applications for health insurance.
    5. Summer School Pay
      1. Joe will follow up with former Senate President (Martin Mingii).
    6. Emeritus
      1. Current policy introduced by Personnel Committee has been reviewed by the Senate Representatives and shared with both Dana Lee Ling and Richard Womack. Comments have been made. There is a need for clear definition of what Emeritus is and whether or not should also include staff.
      2. Joe will talk to Dana and Rich regarding their concerns to this issue.
        1. It is discuss that for faculty, each department should handle each situation, case by case.
    7. Extended Benefits
      1. Meet with Kenneth Welles regarding his eligibility for extended benefits.
      2. Mariana will request meeting time with Kenneth on the week of June 12th.
    8. Cemetery
      1. This issue has already been requested by previous Senate. Governor says no because terms of land lease indicates that land should be used for “educational purposes” only. Senate Representatives have agreed to leave this one alone.
    9. Funeral Envelopes
      1. Joe will write letter to Norma Edwin informing her that this should be handled by each department.
    10. Scholarships
      1. Joe will write letter to Spensin informing him about Senate’s decision to turnover all scholarship activities to the College’s Financial Aid Office.
    11. Flag
      1. Joe will talk to Spensin to assign someone or a group to work on design of flag and for administration to purchase flags to be flown on flagpole (daily), be used during special College functions, and be presented during funerals.
  3. Next Meeting
    1. Kenneth Welles – on the 12th of June. Time and Venue will be announced later.
    2. Rencelly Nelson – on 13, 14, or 15th. Definite day, time, and venue will be announced when she gets back to Mariana
    3. Bylaws – on 27th of June at 9:00am. Venue will be announced later.
  4. Meeting adjourned at 11:40am


Submitted by:

Mariana Ben Dereas

Faculty/Staff Senate Secretary



 For PDF (printer-friendly) version, CLICK >   Senate-Minutes-2007-Jun-01.pdf

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