COM-FSM > SIS Documentation > Forms and Reports > Registration > Grade Roll

Grade Roll

Page last modified 05:56, 1 Oct 2008 by Admin
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Move final grades from registration to permanent record in academic history.


Creates the permanent record in academic history, based on registration, final grade assignments, and related controls from Registration Status, Grading Mode, and Grade Rules.
Maintainer Office of Admissions and Records
Source Class schedule, registration


Term (required) - Registration term

Campus (required) - Section campus

Only roll sections when grading complete? - When set, requires that all students registered in the section have a final grade assigned before the section is considered. If not set, students lacking a final grade will be ignored.

Default grade (optional) - When specified, this grade will be used for all student registrations lacking a final grade assignment. Note: specifying this default grade effectively sets the Only roll sections when grading complete indicator.


This report can be run as many times as needed to complete the grade roll for all sections and all students. Only the final run for each campus should have a default grade specified, as this will cause all remaining sections and students to be rolled.


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