2007 May 23Table of contentsNo headers
Faculty/Staff Senate Minutes May 23, 2007
Present: Alfred Olter, Joseph Habuchmai, Mariana Ben Dereas, and Susan Moses Absent: Grill Jack and Lore Nena Meeting opened at 10:25am Agenda: I.Appointment of Executive seats – a. President: Joseph Habuchmai b. Vice-President: Grill Jack c.Faculty at Large: Susan Moses d.Staff at Large: Alfred Olter e. Treasurer: Lore Nena f.Secretary: Mariana Ben Dereas II.Issues bending from last term – a. b. Committee appointments i.Very important issue because create clear communication between members of Faculty/Staff Senate with policy makers. With representation in each committee, issues of the Senate will be well presented and represented. ii.Norma will send list and terms of reference this summer and members of executive committee will again appoint Faculty/Staff Senate representatives to each committee. 1.Executive committee will have to meet with representative appointed to discuss their roles with the Senate. Work on Senate Bylaws i.Need to revise this summer and pass before end of Fall Semester. ii.Need to have a clear role the State Campuses iii.With a well-written bylaw, Joe can take to the National Government to incorporate thus creating an independent body from the College to be more legitimate. iv.Mariana will email bylaws to Executive members to discuss and fine-tune to be send out to the rest of the campus for comments and recommendations. III.Listing Priorities on Issues brought up last term – a.Placement of employees. b.Part-time Employees Health Insurance i.Alfred is waiting for the open season July 1st to see if can sign up part-time staffs. c.Summer School Pay 1.Joe will follow-up with former Senate President Martin Mingii to see whether he communicated the memo to Personnel Director. a.A memo was drafted by Susan Moses addressing from Senate President to Rencelly Moses regarding this issue. d. Emeritus i.An Emeritus policy has been drafted by Personnel Committee and forward to the Executive Committee, commends were made and shared with Rich Womack and Dana Lee Ling. 1.Through discussion, it is found that this drafted policy does not really address issues that faculty are concern about – what really concern about is not the“Emeritus” status but rather benefits that would go to long timers or senior citizens who have served the College for more than 25 years. Benefits equaling to eligibility of health insurance, life insurance and other benefits given if full-time. 2.Discussion is that maybe the wording “Emeritus” should be change to fit the real concern or issue but at the same time members question just how valid this issue is if only addressing one or two people. e.Extended Benefits i.Housing and other benefits ii.Question of equality 1.Executive members will meet with Kenneth Welles to discuss his extended benefit issue and see what step can be taken to help him. a.Will meet Kenneth on June 1st to discuss this issue f.Campus Cemetery i.Follow-up with Rich Womack and Dana Lee Ling g.Funeral Envelope i.Senate President will draft a letter to Norma. 1.This issue should not be formed into a formal policy but an understanding that each case should be handle by department and donation should be a personal choice. h.Faculty/Senate Website i.Mariana has been following up with LJ Rayphand regarding this. i. Scholarship i.Management of scholarships (Timothy Jerry, Gene Ashby and future proposed scholarships) should be turned over to Financial Aid. ii.Senate can help with creating criteria and so forth but everything dealing with the scholarships should be turned over to the College Financial Aid office. iii.Senate President will draft a letter to Spensin James expressing the need to turn over the responsibilities of scholarships to Financial Aid Office. j.College Flag i.Alfred has communicated this to VPA and he has responded saying that it is a good idea but has not purchased flags. ii.Senate President will draft letter to Spensin James regarding College Flag to be purchased or provided by his office to used and given to family members during College funerals and to hang on flag poles on campus. IV.Next Meeting – a.Friday, June 1, 2007 at 10:00am b.Venue – Board Conference Room V.Meeting Adjourned at 11:40am Submitted by, Mariana Ben Dereas Faculty/Staff Senate Secretary |