2007 November 19

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    Faculty/Staff Senate


    November 19, 2007


    Present:  Joe Habuchmai (President), Grilly Jack (Vice-President), Susan Moses (Faculty at-large), Lore Nena (Treasurer), and Mariana Ben Dereas (Secretary)


    Absent:  Alfred Olter (Staff at-large)


    Meeting opened at 12:45pm




    1. Christmas Party –
      1. Discuss was to decide on the venue, date and time of the upcoming party.
        1. Agreed that it is too late to have a Thanksgiving party thus will have an early Christmas party.
        2. 3 options were given:
          1. Nantelik, December 1st at 4:00 to 7:00pm
          2. COM-FSM, December 13th, 3:00 to 5:00pm
          3. Somewhere off-campus, December 7th, 3:00 to 5:00pm
        3. President shared that many staff and faculty raised the interest of having a party off- campus because wanted more relaxed atmosphere, socialization and to have fun. He felt that there should be a time where administration, faculty, and staff get together and share and at the same time have fun.
        4. There was a concern about lack of participation but it was discussed that if each division or department is given a role to play in the planning of program, then more will want to join party.
        5. Another concern that was raised was the idea that if had party on weekend, many of the locals and those that live far from venue will not show-up. Reason being the distance and weekend commitments to family and community.
        6. Agreed that party will be on campus, December 13th (day after final exams) at the practice gym, 3:00 to 5:00pm.
          1. 3 committees were made:
            1. Set-up/clean-up – Alfred
            2. Food – Lore and Mariana
            3. Program – Joe, Grilly and Sue
              1. Each committee will recruit members to help.
        7. NOTE: Joe will make arrangements with Director of Student Life for the use of gym and will inform College President of proposed date and time.
    2. By-laws –
      1. Did not discuss in this meeting because ran out of time.
    3. Next meeting –
      1. Monday, November 26th at 12:30pm. Venue will be announced later.


    Respectfully submitted by:

    Mariana Ben Dereas

    Faculty/Staff Senate secretary


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