2007 September 05

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    Faculty/Staff Senate – General Meeting


    September 5, 2007



    1. Meeting came to an order at 12:35pm with the required 18-member quorum.
    2. Review of Agenda:
      1. Three items were added to New Business
        1. Graduation Date
        2. Life Insurance Policy (IAC)
        3. New policy mandating teaching senior administrators
    3. Old Business:
      1. Update of old issues
        1. Pending issues that have been reported to Board of Regent –
          1. Housing Benefits for Faculty and Staff
          2. Salary placement of Faculty and Staff who left the college and came back
          3. Salaries placement of staff moving from professional positions to faculty positions
          4. Transferring the function of the COM-FSM scholarships from the Senate to the Vice-President of Student Services Office.
        2. Emeritus
          1. Personnel Committee drafted a policy; Executive Committee has reviewed and felt that what was proposed is not exactly what Senate members originally asked for thus have returned policy with comments for further review and discussion by Personnel Committee.
            1. What is currently proposed is a status of faculty emeritus but not including benefits that come with full-time employment.
        3. Summer pay salary scale
          1. A letter was given to Personnel Committee to review summer pay scale, however, no response from committee. Executive committee members will follow-up on status.
        4. Cemetery
          1. The request for a College cemetery was given to the Pohnpei State governor, he says no because terms of lease agreement says that COM-FSM grounds will be used for educational purposes only. This decision has been communicated to the faculty/staff that introduced this concern.
      2. Note: It was advised by the Director of Public Relations (Joseph Saimon) that Senate use College Cabinet has a means of following-up and pushing through issues and concerns. President of the Senate has taken note of this and will do so in the next upcoming Cabinet meeting.
    4. New Business:
      1. Inputs on Bylaws
        1. Membership fee should not be mandatory but say “Suggested Donation”.
        2. Article III, section 5 should reflect the 16 members of Executive Committee so instead of two members at large, should be eight.
        3. Article IV should specify what Section is for Executive meetings and Whole Senate meeting.


    1. Where does Faculty/Staff Senate fit into the College Organizational Chart? If we should have a direct role or just an advisory role? Agreed that not having a direct position in the Organization Chart is better because we then are free to proposing concerns and advises to the decision making body.
    2. Whether or not should register Senate
      1. Current President will find out benefits and when find out, will share with whole senate for a decision. This decision is not to be made by Executive committee but by all members.
    3. State campuses concerns were brought up
      1. Concern about National Campus having six representatives versus the two per five sites.
      2. the question of each site having own Senate
        1. Most agree that having one Senate would be difficult to maintain total participation and communication but if achieved, would be better for accountability and unity of all Senate members.
    4. Changes will be made and 2nd draft will be send to all sites for another round of comments. Final version of bylaws will be voted on by whole Senate.
    1. Standing Committee Membership
      1. A list of Standing Committee will be given out for those interested in serving in a particular committee. Executive committee will also assign those they feel will serve the Senate’s interest. Before one is assigned, he/she will be asked if want to serve the committee.
        1. This year, faculty and staff sub-committee of the Executive Committee will work closely with those representing Senate to get issues and ideas through Standing Committees. There will be constant communication between sub-committee members and representatives in committees.
    2. Graduation Date
      1. Requested by faculty that President of Senate communicate with OAR their concerns about the long wait between last day of Final Exams and Graduation. If there is a way to shorten the wait and if not, if can communicate with VPIA and president not to obligate faculty to join graduation (pay not to be deducted).
    3. Life Insurance Policy (IAC)
      1. If Senate President can communicate with Human Resource Director to invite someone from IAC to answer questions regarding changes to policy. Many feel that this is a priority and should be done this semester or as soon as possible.
    4. New policy mandating teaching senior administrators
      1. A recommendation for a new policy which would mandate all non-faculty employees of the College who have a Master Degree or higher must teach at least one course per academic year.
        1. Discussion for why good idea:
          1. Policies, decision and ideas coming from College administrators that show a growing disconnect with the realities of the classroom.
          2. Shortage of qualified instructors.
          3. Students will make a better connection with administrator they see in the classrooms.
            1. Handouts were provided to stress the importance of this issue and if anyone would like a copy, Senate secretary will make copies.
    1. Others:
      1. Upcoming events
        1.  All present at the meeting agreed that Senate have a Thanksgiving party this semester.
    2. Date of next meeting:
      1. Those present at meeting agreed that Senate will have one meeting per semester but Executive Committee can call a special meeting if the need arises.


    Meeting Ended 1:30pm


    Submitted by:

    Mariana Ben Dereas

    Faculty/Staff Senate Secretary



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