COM-FSM > SIS Documentation > Forms and Reports > Catalog & Schedule > Course Fees

Course Fees

Page last modified 07:57, 16 Sep 2008 by Admin
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Course Fees

Summary Fees to be charged to students when enrolled in this course. Only charges related to taking specific courses should be entered on this form (e.g. lab or materials fees).
Maintainer Office of Admissions and Records
Source Office of Admissions and Records
Affects Fee assessment
Affected By Transaction codes 
Values Basis should be (O) Per-course, or (C) Per-credit. Use of other Basis codes for course fees is not supported.
Operation Transaction codes used to identify course fees should not duplicate those used for other portions of fee assessment (e.g. tuition, registration fees). Use of the same transaction codes may compromise the ability to correctly calculate fees and refunds.


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