COM-FSM > SENATE > Archive > Concerns & Issues
Concerns & IssuesTable of contentsNo headers
This page is devoted to concerns and issues raised by faculty and staff from the different campuses of the College of Micronesia-FSM.
On Proposed Payday - Controller proposes to consolidate into one day only and to change the payday schedule from Wednesday to Friday (2012) On Part-Time Faculty Salary – Concern from a part-time instructor from Pohnpei Campus (2012) On Salary Freeze – Concerns from All Campuses (2012) On Seat Cost Computation – Prof. Rafael Pulmano shared some of his ideas on this issue (2012) On Streamlining – Concerns and Issues From Chuuk, Yap and FMI Campuses (2011)
NOTE: The ? mark in the title above indicates that this concern had already been addressed or the issue had been resolved. To post your comments, please log in using your COM-FSM email account user name and password. |
Sent by faculty via email on 2/17/2012
The salary issue... the consultant noted that he "lifted" us to the 20th percentile only to discover that we were already at the 20th percentile. That meant no actual increase in track life for those of us at the end of our salary tracks...
On behalf of the faculty at the COM-FSM Kosrae may I ask the concerned administrative officers/authorities to please let the college community know about the followings?
1.How long the Proposed Pay Freeze i.e., no step increase in coming fiscal year(s) will continue? The time duration of proposed pay freeze?
2.What would be the faculty compensation during this Summer 2012? Will the additional 20% given last Summer i.e., during Summer 2011 be continued/ increased?
3.How the faculty loads will be counted in coming semesters: on the basis of course credits or contact hours?
Thanking you,
Latika Raisinghani
04/18/2012 edited 14:09, 18 Apr 2012
Sent by Totoa Currie (Pohnpei Campus) via email on 5/1/2012
Dear Rafael,
Thank you for this information informing us of your meeting with the President. I do have a concern as a part-time instructor. I taught and build a program (Agriculture and Food Technology) at Pohnpei Campus for 4 consecutive years as a part-time instructor. Along building the AFT, I recruit, retain, write grants, write course outline, put on committees that I refuse to do it or serve, advisor, put together book order, arrange instructors for AFT, make arrangement for field trips for other instructor and coordinate the program. My salary has not change since the past four years even in the summer.
By saying this I was wondering if part-time instructor would/should be given the same privilege as the full time instructor?
If you don't mind asking the question for me.
As a non-American citizen and employee of COM I have to have a work visa to work in FSM. This work visa must be renewed every year otherwise we incur huge fines. The renewal involves willing out a form and paying a $5 fee. Currently the employee has to pay the $5 charge, however surely COM should cover this charge. COM employed us knowing we were non-American citizens, COM sort out the visa, why can't they look after their non-American employees and cover this minimal charge????......I know this is a minimal amount, but surely this is part of the bigger picture of looking after our employees in the best possible way.
thanks, kathy
Could the FSS please get the issue of release time for committee chairs back on the table urgently.
I am now chair of CAC, COC and will now also have be on the executive council. On top of that I'm teaching over load on top of my full load and am adviser for 3 students......As you know all of this is done without any compensation or release time. Surely the time has come for this to be changed. I feel very strongly that as the college puts more and more emphasis on shared governance, we HAVE TO give those in charge of these committees more support. The college cannot just keep piling it on. The thing that will suffer is our teaching and therefore the students.
This by no means should suggest I begrudge the responsibility. I do not. I just feel that the time has long passed for this issue to be resolved and committee chairs get some more support and this crucial and very busy time.
thanks, Kathy