COM-FSM > SIS Documentation > Forms and Reports > Accounts Receivable > Cashiering


Page last modified 06:12, 16 Sep 2008 by Admin
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Each user who creates entries on student accounts simultaneously creates or modifies a cashiering session. These sessions are used to organize and manage account entries in a way that allows verification and adjustment, and to control the flow of information to an external accounting system (MIP).

Sessions are numbered sequentially for each user, and progress through a series of states:

  • Open - New account entries will be added to open cashiering sessions
  • Closed - Only adjusting entries are allowed, entered on the Adjustment form. If the same cashier creates new account entries, another cashiering session will be created.
  • Cleared - After the entries in a session have been verified, it is marked as "cleared." Adjustments are no longer possible and the session can now be released for export to an external accounting system.
  • Released - Available for export to an external accounting system

Sessions can not move backwards through these states. Indicating that sessions have closed, cleared, or been released are permanent actions.

Three forms are used for cashiering session management, and can be found in the "Supervisor" menu under A/R:

  • Open Sessions - Review, close, and clear cashiering sessions. This form shows only sessions that have not been cleared.
  • Adjustment - Create an adjusting entry on an account, within a closed session. This is the only form that allows account entries to be added to a closed cashiering session.
  • Session Review - Information and reports for cleared cashiering sessions are available from this form. These sessions are no longer visible on the Open Sessions form.

When a cashiering session is cleared, the application of payments process is automatically used to apply credits to debits on each account present in the session.

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