COM-FSM > Committees > Information and Communications Technology Committee > March 2014

March 2014

Page last modified 17:05, 28 Mar 2014 by Shaun_Suliol
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[Email sent 03/28/14]

Greetings members,
From: Chair

To: ICT Committee

Subject: ONLINE Meeting

Consider this an online meeting.
All files for this meeting are on the wiki :

1.Faculty/Staff Senate- Ross Perkins in his capacity as  President of the Faculty and Staff Senate has communicated to the committee a letter requesting the ICT help consider placing an informational panel in the dining hall; just like the one in the administration and LRC. I've communicated this to the IT Director. [Letter on the wiki]
The IT Director has relayed that the dining hall area was one of the first areas considered for installation when the project began. It was however abandoned because the atmosphere in the dining hall is not controlled. In addition  nature of the dining hall being a place where there is a lot of moisture and grease, placing a panel there was not ideal. It would shorten the life of the equipment. Therefore one was not installed. Recognizing that the dining hall was a place where people would congregate and the need for information would be necessary, IT instead made sure that the wifi signal was present and installed access points in the building.

I therefore as Chair, need this committee's endorsement to reply to Ross officially of what expressing what the IT Director shared, along with any comments from the committee.

2. Assessment -Through the Council of Chairs (CoC) all committees are required to do a self assessment. Saved on the wiki are three files that the Curriculum and Assessment Committee (CAC) has undertaken to create for their assesment. Please browse through them to get an idea of what we as a committee need to do. We will discuss this at our next meeting.

3. All members are to please speak with your divisions, campuses, departments, etc of any items that needs ICT's attention for our next meeting. Our next meeting will be at April 15th. Please send any items you want to add to the agenda.

Please send comments on the first items in this email to go into our minutes, and to add to the communication back tot he faculty/staff senate. Please send them no later than April 4,2014 to be marked as present on the minutes.

Thank you.



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