COM-FSM > SIS Documentation > Forms and Reports > Accounts Receivable > Check Batch

Check Batch

Page last modified 21:00, 10 Nov 2010 by kgirrard
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Refund check entry and printing

Summary Modify, print or void checks in a batch generated by financial aid awards posted to student accounts, or refund requests from the Account by Term or Fee Assessment forms.
Maintainer Business Office
Source Financial Aid, Business Office
Affects A/R accounts
Affected By Financial Aid Award Batch form

By default only batches that need printed (those that are not complete) will show in the key block of the form. Checking "Complete" will display batches that have already been printed and marked complete. This may be necessary if checks need voided within a batch considered complete.

The Financial Aid Award Batch form creates check batches that are limited to students and amounts in the award batch; no other refunds will be added from any source except direct entry on the Check Batch form. The Financial Aid award batch code and description will be displayed on the form to indicate this association. Refunds this requested are listed with the award amount; the printed refund check will not exceed this amount.

Batches can be marked as Closed to prevent any future refund requests from being added to a batch that isn't Complete.

When printing checks an ending check number is not required and would typically only be specified if the supply of checks is limited and you wish the printing to stop when a certain check number is reached. The remainder of the batch could then be printed by entering a new starting number and requesting printing again. Checks are printed by campus.

Printing checks produces a report with check face content (the resulting PDF must be printed with any output scaling turned off), enters a refund amount on each student's account with the REFUND transaction code and a check number in each description, and adds entries to the check register.

Marking checks as VOID requires a starting and ending check number. Voiding checks reverses the refund entries on student accounts, and marks the check register entries as voided and cleared.

When all records in the check batch have either a check number or a zero balance, the batch is considered complete and the indicator on the form will be updated to reflect this state. A check batch can not be manually marked as complete.

A check register is available when the batch is complete.

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