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    A small set of forms are used to identify people as students and manage the information that describes their progress through programs and degrees. The main record that describes students, thier student record, is defined each term they are enrolled. This allows a historical record of changes in degree programs or status to be retained, as well as information on academic progress that is also stored there.

    The Term key field will contain a list of terms already defined for a student. Specifying a new term will cause a new student record to be created based on a recent prior term unless one of the following conditions exist:


    The student record contains the following information:

    Campus - The student's Campus is checked against section campus during registration to help verify that a student's schedule sections are on their home campus. Fees (other than tuition and course fees) are also recorded on the student's account with this campus during fee assessment.

    Rate, Mealplan, Dormitory - These are used during fee assessment to determine what rate to assess tuition at, and whether specific fees should be assessed (a meal plan, and dormitory fee respectively). Note that some Rate codes only apply to sections and should not be assigned to students.

    Degree and Major - The combination of these two fields identifies the degree program the student is in, which is displayed below Major. Not all combinations of Degree and Major are valid degree programs. Degree is also used to determine level (certificate, associate, etc) for the purpose of calculating class (freshman, sophomore, etc).

    Program Term - The term a student was admitted to the indicated degree program. Degree program definitions periodically change; this value is used to identify when program definition should apply to this student. For newly admitted students this will be the same as their admission term.

    Admitted, Student Type - The term a student was admitted to the college, and what type of student they represent. Student Type changes automatically, from new or returning to continuing for example.

    Advisor - The advisor assigned to this student. Only people identified as Instructors can be assigned as advisors.

    Level, Class - These are calculated based on the student's degree program and earned hours. When a new student record is created, these may not be displayed. Resetting the form and re-displaying the student's record will show these values.

    Standing, Honors - Calculated at the end of each term after GPA has been determined. Standing is automatically copied forward from the previous term and is used to determine whether a student is able to register for classes. If the calculated Standing prevents registration, an Override can be specified.

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