COM-FSM > SIS Documentation > Guides > Academic History

Academic History

Page last modified 22:43, 2 Oct 2008 by Admin

    Each student's permanent academic record is maintained in academic history. Those records are used to monitor academic progress, produce transcripts, and review degree completion.

    Academic Record

    Student data is organized by term, and each term's academic history information includes a record of the courses a student registered for, the grades received (both midterm and final), GPAs (term and cumulative), and academic standing. The History by Term form can be used to review all of this information, which is gathered from academic history and Student records.

    Changes to grades recorded in a academic history can be made using the Grade Change form. A permanent record of all changes is maintained, showing the original and new grade, the person making the change, when it was made, and a description of the reason for the change.

    A record of degrees received by a student is viewable on the Student Degrees form.


    Unofficial and official transcripts are available through the Online Transcript and Official Transcript forms, respectively. The information contained in both reports is the same. The official transcript is produced only by the Office of Admissions and Records. Transcripts include Transfer work that affects student degree completion, and lists degrees received. Both transcripts can show in-progress courses, those that the student has enrolled in but have not yet been graded.

    Transfer work

    Students transferring from other colleges and universities, or receiving college credit from any source, can have that work recorded for application to their degree program requirements. The Transfer Work form allows specific courses or programs of study to be applied to specific COM-FSM courses, or to IDP Group requirements. Both are specified with the number of credits being transferred.

    Transfer credit is recored by School and is displayed at the top of transcripts with school name, the transferred course, and the local course or IDP Group.

    Individual Degree Programs

    Degree programs are identitfied by degree, major, and an effective term. Effective term is used to specify when changes in a degree program have been made, which can be either it's availability or the requirements needed to complete the program. A degree program definition remains in effect until a definition with a later term is created.

    Degree Programs

    The Degree Program form contains an indicator of whether a program is available, the number of credits required by the program, and a list of IDP Groups that describe the specific requirements that need to be met by students attempting to complete the program of study. A minimal program definition (degree, major, and description) is required for the validation that occurs on the Student form for degree and major (credits is a required field but can be set to zero). IDP Group and accurate credit information only need specified if use of the IDP Report functionality is desired.

    IDP Groups

    Sets of courses and their related number of credit hours are specified in a hierarchy of IDP Groups. Each group can list a combination of specific courses (by subject and course number), a pattern to match courses (using wildcard characters for subject and/or course number), or other IDP Groups already defined. Each group is identified with an IDP Group Type that controls its priority in matching classes. Group types allow a course that matches multiple groups to satisfy a program requirement before being considered as an elective, for example.

    Most degree programs are described as combinations of general education, elective, and program-specific courses. The hierarchical structure of IDP Groups allows common sets of courses, such as general education requirements, to be shared by multiple degree program definitions. A change made to an IDP Group will automatically apply to all programs sharing the group, rather than requiring each degree definition to be changed individually.

    The hierarchy used to describe all degree programs should be carefully planned to make the most benefit of shared requirements.

    IDP Substitutions

    Student-specific exceptions to the evaluation of an IDP can be recorded on the IDP Substitutions form. Specific courses can be identified as meeting alternate course requirements, or an alternate numbers of credits.

    IDP Report

    Evaluation of a student's progress in a degree program is available on the IDP Report form. The student's currently selected program and term are displayed, but any available degree program can be specified in order to evaluate how a change in program would affect their outstanding course requirements. The report displays the degree requirements as they are defined in IDP Groups, what courses have been completed within those requirements (with term and final grade), the status of each group (complete, incomplete, credits outstanding), and overall degree completion status.


    Other reports used to display or manage information in academic history:

    • Standing - Summary of students by academic standing or honors status, by term and/or campus
    • Incompletes - Report of students with an Incomplete in their academic history. This report can optionally update incompletes to a new final grade.
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