COM-FSM > Program Prioritization Working Group

Program Prioritization Working Group

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Program Prioritization Chart


Program Name


Data Sources




Liberal Arts

1.  Quality of outcomes

·      Employer satisfaction surveys

·      Graduation rates

·      Teacher certification (FSM) & Vocational Exams (CISCO< ETA)

·      Job placement and success; earnings reports

·      Other external validation of quality


2009 employer satisfaction survey indicates that most employers are satisfied with COM graduates.

Graduation rate is based on 150% - Gainful Employment 2008.  LA has a grad. Rate of 35.7% - one of the highest.  This program is designed for transfer students, not job placement.  Transfer rate ???


2.  Impact, justification and overall essentiality of the program

·      Degree to which program is “mission-critical”

·      Contains elements/resources for forward-looking new programs

·      Contributions to state’s economy


Liberal Arts is the foundation of all other major choices and is fundamental to the College mission of providing academic opportunities for student learning.

Courses articulate with UOG,  University of Hawaii,


3.  Size, scope and productivity of the program

·      Three-year graduation rates, trend-line*

·      Student retention rates, by program

·      Section fill rates*

·      Redundancy of courses across the institution (program only)


2008 – 35.7% of new students in LA graduated in 150% time.

2011 enrollment 13.1% of students

2011 total credits 13.5%

Sections of most courses in the major are at capacity or above.

Program is offered at National Campus only.


4.  External demand for the program

·      Placement office reports on placement, alumni, professional (longer term) and association reports

·      Employer feedback

·      Program added or cancelled at nearby rival institutions (PCC, SDSU, Hawaii schools, etc.)

·      State and federal requirements (gainful employment, etc.)


External stakeholders have expressed the need for students with BA degrees.  This is the only program at the College designed primarily to transfer students into any BA degree. 

Major focuses on skills that employers rated high – writing and speaking.


5.  Internal demand for the program

·      Student credits generated by: major, minor, general education, service courses

·      Program mapping of courses delivered (timing and frequency)

·      Student enrollments in program

·      Programs that support majors and minors of other programs



11,838 cr./3 fall semesters 2009 – 2011. (New recommendation from IRPO is to use 2010 & 11 only since General Studies discontinued and ACE students declare majors – 2010. 8, 654 credits for 2010-11.

Major courses offered each semester,  2 – 5 sections each course.

2011 – 13.1% of all students.

2010-2011 – 697 students all campuses for 2 years.

Many courses are the same as those in the AA in Pre-Teacher Preparation.  Foundation program for most 3rd and 4th year programs.


6.  Revenue and other resources generated by the program

·      Tuition, program-allocated

·      Online program revenues (projected)

·      Grant income


Instructional Master plan has this program as the first to be extended to states through distance education.

Credits x tuition = $908,670 (’10 & ’11 credits for fall only)


7.  Costs and other expenses associated with the program


$105 x prog. Credits x 10 =

·      Fully allocated cost per FTE student

·      Control Data stores; faculty salaries, credits generated by section, capital and equipment

·      Allocated institutional support (library, computing, tutoring services, other administrative support)

·      Cost of duplicate or redundant courses/programs/services


$3,465/student = #34,650

No other unusual expenses associated with Lib. Arts.





Program offered at Nat. Campus only (program basis not course)


8.  History, development, and expectations of the program

·      Alignment with mission (instructional plan, business plan, annual plan);

·      Extent to which program is “core” to the educational experience.

·      State requirements and goals.

·      Historical enrollment patterns


Enrollment is averaging 200 per school year.

Alignment with mission – see #2.

“Core” to ed. experience – see #5 and 5.


9.  Quality of program inputs and processes

·      Program review data; specialized program accreditation

·      Student Instructional profile data


Conducting regular assessment, working on improvements, but limited to program rather than college wide (writing) [Information from program evaluation/appendix T]


10.  Opportunity analysis of the program

·      Exploration of alternative delivery mechanisms

·      Formation of productive external partnerships and collaborations

·      Opportunity to realign or strengthen existing programs.


No data in program evaluation.

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