Information and Communications Technology Committee

Page last modified 14:36, 8 Oct 2012 by Peter_Pedrus
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    Welcome to the Information and Communications Technology Committee (ICT) wiki page.

    DISCLAIMER: The messages and content contained herein is intended for the members of the Information and Communications Technology Committee (ICT). Its contents may be confidential, privileged or otherwise protected. Any unauthorized use, disclosure or copying of this message or its contents is prohibited.


    1. Terms of Reference - Original, not yet revised

    Revised - 02/15/12 - View online/ Download


    1. Minutes


       3.    Technology Policy - working draft


    1. Tech. Policy and TOR Assignment
    2. Communications Survey - Draft
    3. Purchase ENDORESMENT - National and Chuuk campus computer lab bids
    4. Purchase ENDORSEMENT - Kosrae LRC
    5. Discussion of access for students to WiFi/SIS
    6. TOR rubric
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