COM-FSM > Committees > Information and Communications Technology Committee > Turnover Supply Project Bid Review
Turnover Supply Project Bid Review
Table of contentsNo headersThe College through the IT and Procurment Office opened to the general public a bid offer to replace current computersn the Lang Lit Lab and the Math Science Lab at the National Campus, as well as the Library Lab at Kosrae Campus. That amounts to a total of 103 desktop computers and associated peripherals. The bid offer was posted on the College website, as well as on bulletin boards. Each bidder was requiered to review and adher to specific guildines and inforamtion packet. A total of 7 bid proposals were submitted and reviewed for compliance and evaluated by the IT Office in accordance with the bid guidelines provided by the Procurement Office which follow the FSM Governments guidelines on bidding outlined in the FSM Financial Management Regulations. The Minutes for that evaluation process is also made available for your viewing. As is such the IT Director has communicated to the ICT Committee to review the bids, and endrose its decision to award the bid to the top ranked company. The Committee's endorsement or choice not to endorse will then be trasnmitted to the President who will ultimately make the bid selection. Please review all documents and be prepared to disucss at the committee's meeting on Tuesday April 24, 2018 at 3PM-4PM.