COM-FSM > SIS Documentation > Forms and Reports > Validation > Token


Page last modified 03:35, 24 Jan 2012 by kgirrard
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Value-level security information

Summary Defines codes for information used by value-level security
Maintainer Information Technology
Source Form developers
Affects Form Object security
Affected By  
Values Value Class: (M) Multi-valued, (S) Single-valued (these are also used on the Comparison form)
Requirements Defined codes must be programatically created in the Session object within the server-side code. Definitions for each code are noted below.


Currently defined tokens

Token Description
ADVISEE Student is currently an advisee of an instructor
CAMPUS Current campus, determined from account, instructor, registration records, or default campus (from Organization form) (in that order of preference)
INSTRUCTOR An active instructor
RSTUDENT Recent student (within last six months)
SECTIONINS An instructor with section assignments
STUDENT Current student
RTERM Recent term (within last year)
CTERM Student's most current term (for use with tables that reference student's by identity)
UCTERM Student user's most current term (checks records for the currently signed in user)
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